5 Reasons to Oppose

1. Lacks Judgment and Temperament: Patel advocated shutting down the FBI headquarters and converting it into a "Museum of the Deep State." He promotes extreme ideas that could undermine institutional integrity and public trust.

2. Promotes Partisan Retaliation: He authored a book naming an "enemies list," signaling a focus on personal and political vendettas and publicly threatened media figures and political opponents of Donald Trump with jail time, undermining Democracy and chilling free speech.

3. Espouses Undemocratic Ideals: Patel wrote a book portraying Trump as a king and himself as a wizard, reflecting authoritarian and self-aggrandizing tendencies.

4. Election Denialism: Heenied the results of the 2020 presidential election, perpetuating baseless claims of voter fraud and undermining confidence in electoral processes.

5. Polarizing and Controversial Persona: Patel advocates rhetoric and policies that foster division rather than constructive dialogue or solutions.